Thursday, September 19, 2013

Secrets of 8 pack abs !!!

Whether you're just starting an exercise program, or you've been at it for years, there is one thing on everyone's wish list: a toned stomach. Well-defined abdominal muscles are glorified as being sexy, healthy and youthful.
Like all I too wished to have eight pack abs and wanted to know the secret behind getting packs. Now that I am aware of it, I will be sharing this secret with all of you.
You may be surprised to learn that you can train less and see better results—yes it's true! And you don't have to buy any special equipment. All you need is your body and the proper training knowledge.

 The Eight pack workout
Try to do the following exercises either once or twice in a week 

1) Floor crunches - Nothing beats floor exercise for developing firm ,muscular abs. All you need is a little floor space .The key to this exercise ,as with all ab exercises , is to pull with your abdominal muscles and not with your shoulder or back.

2)Incline knee raises - The incline knee raises is a challenging but rewarding exercise to do for the abs . This exercise can be done on any incline surface such as a sit up board .Remember don't let your feet hit the ground and keep constant tension on your abs.

3)Hanging knee raises - This is a tough exercise that allows you to work both the lower abs n side muscles . Lift your knees straight up, and you hit the lower abs ; lift your knees to each side to work on your side muscles .

4) Decline crunches -This is a terrific exercise for developing the lower and middle abdominal muscles .As the name implies , you ll need a decline bench that allows you to hook your feet .

Along with these above mentioned exercise you need to do cardio exercise twice or thrice in a week.


1)    Go for good carbs - not all carbs are evil, it's just that you need to avoid having white carbs and should rather have brown carbs like brown rice, whole wheat and oats .
2) Try to take protein early in the morning so that you feel less hungry throughout the day which happens due to favourable changes in the hormones and brain signals that control appetite.
3) Drink loads of water so that your metabolism gets a boost and enables you to cut extra calories.
4) Eat three standard meals and three snacks, equalling 6 times a day. Don't be concerned about overeating; just make sure the foods you eat are high in fiber, protein and nutrition.

A perfect body plan

A perfect body plan is just a combination of proper exercise ,diet and proper rest. You cannot think of having a good body if u miss out any of these essentials.
Rest and diet form the main source for building your muscle and exercise helps you in shaping up your body .
For a perfect body you need to:
·  Have sleep of atleast 8 hours as rest helps in gaining size of your muscle and making you more fit and energetic

 ·   Exercise regularly

 ·   Keep a check on your diet: avoid sweets ,oily and fried foods and cut down on unessential carbs. Eat practical portions and make good nutritional choices

·         Ensure a regular intake of healthy vegetables and fruits

  •    Eat breakfast daily: It is the most important meal of the day that helps you gain energy for optimal mental and physical performance throughout the day with maintaining your sugar levels.
  •          Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated and fresh as it is the most natural cleanser for the body organs and digestive system.

  •  Reduce stress: Exercise, meditate, practice your hobbies and do things you like to help alleviate the harmful effects of stress on the body

  •   Refrain from smoking and alcohol: They may seem to provide quick relaxation but degenerate every cell and organ of the body at a steady pace which may lead to serious medical ailments

The basic staple supplements required for body building

Supplements are used to supplement your well-balanced diet and your hard work in the gym .They are not a substitute for them . In fact, if you do not train correctly or eat a well balanced diet , supplements are a total waste of money .There are generally five products which can be considered as basic staples
1) Creatine
2) Multivitamin
3)Good Fats
4) Protein Powder
5) Branched Chain Amino Acids

An average individual does not need supplementation, except for perhaps a multivitamin to ensure that they do not get any mineral and vitamin deficiencies. However the more active individual or competitive athlete needs more than simply what they can ingest through their nutrition .Of the many supplements available in the market these five are the essential one.